
The Late Bronze Age pile-dwelling settlement at Must Farm is one of the most important and best-preserved prehistoric sites to have been systematically excavated in Europe. The settlement comprised a curving palisade enclosing five stilt-raised houses erected above a freshwater river channel at the edge of one most Britain’s most intensively studied and internationally renowned Bronze Age landscapes: the Flag Fen Basin.
This comprehensive and methodologically innovative investigation, incorporating an array of scientific studies and collaborations amongst leading specialists, provides unprecedented insights into the nature of daily life and domestic practice in Bronze Age society. These challenge many expectations about the material worlds that people inhabited, shedding new light on aspects of architecture, material abundance, foodways, woodland management, landscape change and wetland living. The collective results are truly ground-breaking for Wetland Archaeology and wider Bronze Age studies. Volume 1 provides a thematic interpretive synthesis of the site, with a focus on landscape, architecture and occupation, whilst Volume 2 offers in-depth studies of the river setting, construction, dating, material culture and biological remains.
Published by the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Both volumes are available Open Access to be read online:
Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement: Volume 1. Landscape, architecture and occupation
Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement: Volume 2. Specialist reports
Physical copies of Volume 1 are also available to buy from Oxbow Books
Learn more
The Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement was excavated by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit with funding from Historic England and Forterra.Diaries
Read the Dig Diaries and Post-Ex Diaries from the 2015-16 excavations at the pile-dwelling settlement.Discoveries
See some of the discoveries from the Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement.
Making Must Farm
Find out about our work with AncientCraft recreating Must Farm’s material.
Further information on the Must Farm project.